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We need your help!

We're compiling a data list of Gel Nail Product ingredients and their % inclusion. Scientist Lotte will use this data to create a purchasable document that provides the maximum amount a product should contain, to allow you to check if the products you are using, are compliant with cosmetic regulations outlined. 

Please fill out the below form to provide the details of the products you use.


If you don't have the Safety Data Sheet (SDS), these will need to be requested from the brand. If the brand does not provide the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) upon request, this is breaching a legal requirement and we would advise to avoid using that brands products.

The Brand

The Products

Select all the products you're providing the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for.


The Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

Upload the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for each of the products selected above. There is a maximum upload of 30 files. If you require more, please fill out an additional form as required.

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